Solar thermal, skid construction for osmosis water supply inverse to solar thermal (2 x 140 MW) FLUX RATE: 250 m3/h.
Wastewater treatment plant for a desalination of 250,000 m3/day.
Ultrafiltration wastewater treatment plant for a flow rate of 6 m3/h.
Assembly and supply of a silica removal plant for a flow rate of 80 m3/h.
Installation improvements with the construction of two UF lines for production of 24 m3/h.
Refurbishment of the pilot plant for effluent treatment by UF.
Water roller cooling.
Development in the manufacture of a containment system for the electrolyte formulation.
Anaerobic treatment by means of fixed beds with a flow of treatment of 60 m3/h.
Adequacy and improvement of municipal waste leachate treatment with a flow of 50 m3/h.
Reverse osmosis plant for an input flow of 8 m3/h.
Wastewater treatment plant using MBR technology with a treatment flow of 15 m3/day.
Industrial wastewater treatment plant for industry
Realization of the wastewater treatment plant.
Anaerobic treatment by means of fixed beds with a flow of 60 m3/h treatment.
Wastewater treatment plant for a population of 1000
equivalent inhabitants, 10 m3/h.
Wastewater treatment by MBR with a flow rate of 6 m3/h.
Mine water treatment for softening in the pre-treatment phase for a flow rate of 61 m3/h.
Pilot installation for the treatment of tannery companies, 2 m3/h flow.
Treatment station using a biological reactor for nitrification and denitrification and a subsequent ultrafiltration unit with capacity of 10 m3/h.
Urban water treatment plant, for a population of 200,000 equivalent inhabitants.
Urban water treatment plant, for a population of 150,000 equivalent inhabitants.
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